
The Friends of Hughes Creek supports “Our Mountain Home, a unique place to live.

Hughes Creek is managed by Parks Victoria. Find us under Park Connect 

The area has some unique features including a stand of Myrtle Beech Nothofagus cunninghamii, Sassafras Atherosperma moschatum and Black Olive Berry Elaeocarpus holopetalus.

Yes we have a healthy population of Wombats, Swamp Wallabies and Agile Antechinus.  We are visited by Lyrebirds and home to a varied array of other birds including the Satin Bower bird, Brown Thornbills, White Throated Treecreepers, Noisy Scrub Wrens, Lewin’s Honeyeaters, White Thrush, Boobook Owls and Tawny Frogmouths.

Our biggest threats are waste water, cats, deer, climate change and english ivy.

The Friends of Hughes Creek was established in 1993 and continued for around 18 years. In March 2021 it was restarted. 

To best manage the area it has been divided into sections "a" to "o", with the aim to working on one section at a time. All new plants are fitted with wire guards to keep them from being eaten by feral deer.

In March 2021 we started weeding and replanting at section "e" and progressed to section "j" in Feb 2024. At Robert St a simple wire fence and an entrance gate has been installed. Since then volunteers have provided more 400 hours of work and up to 350 plants.

Apr-Sep 2024, we are focusing on replanting in sections "b", "c", "d", "e", "j" and "k" .