
Section A

Mary Track entrance at Hilton Rd

Section B


Section C

Mt Grey Gums

Replanting with orange markers

White Stringybark

Section D

Old man Mt Ash tree

Section E

Wombat at Woods Lane

Section F

Common bird orchid

Blanket leaf

Bogong moth

Dead Antechinas

Giant slug

Giant Stick Insect

View to the gully

Mountain Green Hood Orchid

Woods corner (Woods lane and Mary track)

Making wire guards

Misy morning


White Thrust, song bird

Section G

Planting at creekside

Spiny Freshwater Crayfish

Track maintenance after storms

Track upgrade completed

Track upgrade completed

Myrtle Beech, Nothofagus cunnunghamii

Native carnivorous snail

Section H

Robert St replanting

Progress of removing weeds; Portugese Lauel and Bamboo

Gate installed at Robert St

Establishing the garden, before the gate

Storm water and gravel catchment

Stormwater bed

Garden bed and parking areas defined along Robert St

Section I

Weeding working bee

Rock for stormwater project

Section J

Deer droppings

Dead tree fern, constantly being eaten by deer

Replanting with orange markers

Section K

Weed infestation

Ready for a replanting event